Basics of the Composting Toilet
Underneath our toilet is a large tub (a.k.a. the composting chamber), which contains wood shavings and compost produced from community food waste. A solar-powered fan draws air into the toilet, which flows through the compost in the tub and back up a pipe through the roof of the unit. This steady flow of air dries the solid human waste, aerates the microbes that break down the waste into its essential nutrients with necessary oxygen, and carries any odors out through the roof. Solid human waste will accumulate in a cone/pyramid underneath the toilet. This cone/pyramid will be rotated and mixed with existing compost in the tub. Liquid human waste seeps down through the composting chamber, through the pre-existing compost, and soak material (the wood shavings). Once the liquid waste gets to the bottom of the tub, it passes through several sieves into a secondary level in the composter base. From here the liquid waste can be accessed from the removal port, under the trapdoor in front of the unit. This processed liquid waste can then be used as a liquid fertilizer.
Environmental Advantages of a Composting Toilet
Our composting toilet is a non-flushing toilet, saving the gallons upon gallons of potable water required to flush standard toilets. So, basically, a composting toilet does not waste drinking water, does not tax or contribute to overworked sewer lines, and produces nutrient rich soil amendment. And it has got to be one of the easiest ways to contribute to the city's blossoming green movement.
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